The newsletter system sends an email to several recipients at the same time, for example to your registered customers in the shop system or forum.
Email and address lists can be imported and exported from Outlook etc. via the database management. See that Chapter Newsletter . The newsletter module also has functions such as subscribe to newsletter and unsubscribe from newsletter.
Installation of the CMS module Newsletter
In the home page edit mode, click Modules -> Newsletters . Choose one
directory and click Create . The module creates the Entry.html, Insert.html (newsletter registration), Unsubscribe.html, DelInsert.html (unsubscribe from the newsletter) page and the Template.html page (template for writing a newsletter).
The entry page is now over reachable.
Easily change newsletter pages - layout adjustments
With the bluetronix software, the so-called database mask of the newsletter pages can be edited and adjusted. To edit the page, click on this To edit Symbol.
Newsletter entry page in the editor
Individual adjustments to the layout, colors and background images are possible in the editor. For more information on editing a page in the editor, see the chapter The homepage editor . For instructions on changing the layout (colors and images) globally, see Edit layout .
through the multiple installation of the module, various newsletter groups, such as forum, shop customer or employee, can be implemented.
Homepage software chapter selection