Internal areas
The internal areas module makes it possible to protect directories and their contents as well as individual files from unauthorized access. For example, you want the “Employees” page on your company website to be accessible only to your employees via a login, or only registered users should be able to post an entry in the discussion forum. If a visitor to the homepage - unregistered - opens the "Employees" page, the "Employees" page is not displayed, but the login window as well as the registration function and the password forgetting function. After a successful registration, the user can log in and go to the "Employee" page. Depending on the configuration, the user can log in to the forum with the same login to create an entry there, or he has to register again for the forum. Both options can be implemented with the help of user groups.
Click on the picture to test the internal area live
With the help of the registration function, a user can register fully automatically or semi-automatically (admin must activate the user), depending on the setting. In addition, data such as name, email address and newsletter delivery are recorded during registration. The “Forgot Password” function allows users to receive a new password by email by entering their email address. The email address entered must be assigned to a user in the system.
The password protection of a directory and a page is done easily via the page administration. To do this, the desired directory or page is marked and the corresponding user group is assigned in the Password Protection window.
Any number of internal areas can be created. When the module is installed, the user group is automatically created and the login, registration and forgotten password pages are created to match the user group. Several user groups can be assigned to an internal area (one login is valid for several protected areas). One group can be assigned to each user.
In combination with the Newsletter module, the user groups are available under Newsletter. A newsletter can thus be sent to one user group at a time. For example, information for employees in the "Employees" group or news in the forum for the "Forum" group.
Directories and pages of modules such as shop, forum, photo album, etc. can also be protected. Complex systems such as shop systems with registration, shop systems with price displays only for registered sales partners, article presentation only for registered users, etc. can thus be easily implemented.
Installation of the CMS module internal areas
In the home page edit mode, click Modules -> Internal Areas . Choose one
directory that should be password protected.
Under " Home page “ you can specify a page that the user receives after a successful login.
When in the field email admin an e-mail address is entered, the addressee will receive a short confirmation e-mail with each registration.
The option auto reg (Automatic registration) means that the user is automatically activated after registration. If this field remains deactivated, the administrator must enter the user in the Enable user management .
The option Mail Pwd causes the user to receive an email with their password after registration. The email address is checked using this function. If the email address is incorrect, the user cannot receive a password.
The field detour contains the time after which the redirection to the internal start page takes place after a successful login.
To start the installation, select Create . The module creates the user group, password protection for the directory, as well as the files for login, registration, forgotten password.
The internal area is now over reachable.
To connect the password-protected page to a menu item, click on Edit menu and create a new menu item called "Internal". Click now
create link and select the "index.html" file in the "Internal" directory. Save the menu and test the functions.
To test the internal area, you must exit edit mode
De-register , since the administrator always has access to every internal area.
You can find more information about user groups in the chapter user management .
Easily change login pages - layout adjustments
With the bluetronix software, the Login.html page can be easily edited and adjusted. All functions such as login, logout, forgotten password, registration, change user data are contained in the Login.html page. These functions are controlled via the PHP script , which below Setting -> PHP Code can be adjusted, depending on the current status.
To edit the page, open the main menu site management , switch to the folder Internal , click on the page name Login.html and up To edit .
Login page in the editor
Individual adjustments to the layout, colors and background images are possible in the editor. For more information on editing a page in the editor, see the chapter The homepage editor . For instructions on changing the layout (colors and images) globally, see Edit layout .
through the multiple installation of the module, various internal areas can be created. For example, for ordering in shop system or for an entry in discussion forum .
Homepage software chapter selection