discussion forum
- Installation of the CMS module discussion forum
- Easily change and delete records in the forum
- Easily change forum pages - layout adjustments
The discussion forum module enables your own community on your homepage. Any number of themes can be created by users. Users can provide answers to each topic. The topics are arranged in descending order of time. The topic with the last entry is always the most recent. Responses are listed in chronological order so that you can follow the course of the discussion.
Click on the image to test the Forum Live
The number of topics per page, the number of answers per page and the layout can be changed. To improve performance, older entries are automatically moved to page 2, 3 ... if the topics per page or the answers per page are exceeded.
The forum is search engine friendly and includes the topic of the page in both the title and the URL. The entire page is created server-side to prevent incomplete pages.
The number of replies, number of views, entry time, user name and IP address of the author are documented. In order to improve the transparency of the forum, a full-text search is included, which is limited only to the records of the forum.
A name, an email address and a comment can be entered on the entry page. In addition, links, images and emotion smileys can be inserted. Incorporating these elements is done in a secure manner. Included HTML tags, Java scripts etc. are harmlessly formed. Even the popular "set a link to your own homepage" has no effect on the author when the links are integrated using "norefer".
The forum automatically sends an email to the specified user when entries are made. This means that unwanted entries can be deleted or changed. Since all bluetronix software email accounts support POP3, STMP and IMAP, you can set up the email address for the forum entry on your mobile phone or PDA. This means that you receive entries in real time directly on your mobile phone.
Changing and deleting forum entries can be done easily using the so-called edit buttons.
In combination with the module " Internal areas “ the forum can be password-protected completely or only the entry pages. Entries can only be made by registered users. Each registration requires an email address to which the password will be sent. This also simplifies the blocking of users, since blocking the IP often has no effect.
With the module " Newsletter ', newsletters with new information about the forum can also be sent to all registered users.
Installation of the CMS module discussion forum
In the home page edit mode, click Modules -> Discussion Forum . Choose one
directory and click Forum Creation . The module creates the database and files for the forum.
The forum is now over http://www.bluetronix-demo.de/Forum/Forum.html reachable. To connect the forum to a menu item, click on Edit menu and create a new menu item called "Forum". Click now
create link and select the "Forum.html" file in the "Forum" directory. Save the menu and test the functions.
Easily change and delete records in the forum
Changing or deleting the entries can be done easily using the so-called database buttons
respectively. in the editing mode these buttons are displayed for each entry (data record). With one click
Edit record the data record opens in the Database Editor . If you only want to change one entry on a topic, first select the desired topic.
Database record view using the example of the forum
Now text and descriptions can easily be added or changed. Topic entries are automatically sorted by entry date in descending order. Thus, the most recent entry is always in the 1st position.
The entries of the answers (on the topic pages) are arranged in ascending order in order to better understand the course of the discussion.
To delete an unwanted entry (dataset – either a topic or an answer), click the delete icon in the entry line. For more information on changing records, see the chapter Record Editing .
Easily change forum pages - layout adjustments
With the bluetronix software, the so-called database mask of the forum pages can be edited and adjusted. To edit the page, click on this To edit Symbol.
Topics page of the forum in the editor
Individual adjustments to the layout, colors and background images are possible in the editor. For more information on editing a page in the editor, see the chapter The homepage editor . For instructions on changing the layout (colors and images) globally, see Edit layout .
through the multiple installation of the module, discussion forums can be created for different categories. For example in several languages.